Angular is great again - making SSR app with high performance in google lighthouse
18 Jul, 2018
While exploring the option on making a blog with content management system, I give a try on making use of koa2 + Postgres + Angular and the result turns out quite good.
Using google lighthouse to test it, resulted in 91/100 performance, 100/100 progressive web app, 100/100 accessibility, 100/100 best practices, 100/100 SEO, with the main bundle size in 775.7KB.
Angular is great again - making SSR app with high performance in google lighthouse
18 Jul, 2018
While exploring the option on making a blog with content management system, I give a try on making use of koa2 + Postgres + Angular and the result turns out quite good.
Using google lighthouse to test it, resulted in 91/100 performance, 100/100 progressive web app, 100/100 accessibility, 100/100 best practices, 100/100 SEO, with the main bundle size in 775.7KB.