12 Dec, 2015

Seek Asia Hackathon 2015 website
Designing the website
It all begins from the day I play the role as seekasia hackathon committee. We have decided to create a single page application for our co-worker to view the latest information. After considering all the options, I have decided to put the website at seekasia-hackathon-2015.github.io, after review done we will then move the files to seekasia website.
Benefit of hosting at github repo
FYI, the repo is at github.
The good part of github is if you create a repo with {username}.github.io, the page will be seen at {username}.github.io within 5 minutes.
The structure of the single page application
As the initial committer, I will be in charge of structuring the single page application.
- Build with bootstrap
- I perfer bootwatch paper, due to its appearance is following material design
- Using Github Flow - directly commit to master branch since is small application and contributors only me, Alfred, Aaron and Foo.
So Far so Good
The Seekasia Hackathon 2015 had ended successfully, it has been a good memory among our committees for making the Hackathon held successfully.