13 Oct, 2015

React Native iOS & Android
React Native is a hot topic recently in mobile app development world. It can be easily installed via Facebook guide.
Whats so good with it?
- Easy + quick development: here is React Native sample project that I run in Mac Yosemite
- Same language to develop iOS and Android
- Upgrade iOS and Android as easy as PHP
- as long as Apple approve react native app that use remote bundle file, the next update can no need go through Apple again
- Its Javascript! Now every developer can easily take part in mobile development!
- Native Speed
- We all know hybrid or web view performance is not good, from a customer side of view, its always good to have a native app.
Notice for Windows User
React native is best to develop with Mac or Linux, so if you are a Windows user that want to develop react native android, a VM is needed for less hustle.