11 Jun, 2016

Lubuntu to replace Window
Why Lubuntu
As a developer, you must have heard of ubuntu. FYI, Lubuntu is a light weight version of Ubuntu. Using Lubuntu, you can have more control on your PC.
Advantage for replacing Windows for Lubuntu
- Combination of Windows 7 with command line feeling
- Directly use docker container to run application instead of virtualbox, which provide a higher speed.
- Faster speed for most of the program, for example android-studio. This might be due to less backend application run in Windows (And it is hard to disable those application).
- More control on the system and more debug message can be seen.
Disadvantage for using Lubuntu
- Most gaming software run natively in windows, the worst things is I have installed lubuntu xenial 16.04LTS version and they have dropped support for my AMD RADEON graphic card model,
- The UI is not as beautiful as Windows
Some bug Fix
- Fix no sound
install restrict-ubuntu
- Fix frequent crash in dell inspiron graphic card: upgrade from kernel 4.4 to kernel 4.6
- Local Support: go to start > Preferences > Language Support
- Unable to start docker: sudo docker daemon -D -s vfs
Some example
- Run this blog locally
cd /e/nghenglim.github.io/ # contain the repo
sudo docker run -d -v "$PWD:/src" -p 4000:4000 grahamc/jekyll serve -H
If graphic card is not supported by Lubuntu, the best setup will be dual boot Lubuntu and Windows. Play games and watch movie in Windows, however do development in Lubuntu.