12 Sep, 2015

Atom Tips Extension Base Setting
Previously when coding with Atom, there is a thing really irritating - when I code for php I have to set tab length 4 but for python or jade, I need tab length of 2.
Normally we set the tab length at File > Settings.
Problem Solving
So how to solve it? Just go to "File > Open Your Config" to open config.cson, then paste the config below.
userId: ":)"
showOnStartup: false
core: {}
invisibles: {}
showInvisibles: true
fontSize: 13
zoomFontWhenCtrlScrolling: false
showIndentGuide: true
softWrap: true
"tabs-to-spaces": {}
whitespace: {}
tabLength: 4
- "*" is meaning wildcard for all type of file, which come along after Atom has been installed
- ".php" means for every file extension that is php, and I set tabLength to 4 (default is 2)